New RAV VAST Course from Nadishana and David K. *From Beginner to Intermediate* is out!!!
From December 30 to January 10, you will have a 15% discount on all our instruments. Use the coupon HNY15 on checkout page.
The RAV 432 Hz is here! It’s been a great interest in 432 Hz RAV lately, so now you can order it! Number is limited, hurry up and get a unique RAV!
RAV Vast G Pygmy
30% discount for the most professional Handpan tutorials Handpan Dojo is included with your purchase! You will get discount code in your order confirmation.
Free bonus download of new RAV CD by Nadishana is included with your purchase! You will get a download link after your order.
Model: RAV Vast, new 2019 model, with hydrophobic protection and golden band
Scale: G Pygmy
Notes: G2 C3 D3 D#3 G3 A#3 C4 D4 F4
Material: 1.5 mm steel
Diameter: 51 cm
Height: 17 cm
Weight: 4.9 kg
Production: We have some RAVs in stock. If you see green notification “In Stock” on the product image, that means we can ship this model in next few days.
Delivery: We ship by EMS transport company around the world.
Payment: Payment is made via PayPal, credit card (also through PayPal, but you don’t have to have a PayPal account) or bank transfer. Paypal\credit card payment is done automatically on checkout. If you prefer to pay by bank transfer please write us and we provide you with the details. We recommend to use PayPal. it’s very safe payment system which gives the customer 180 day buyer protection guarantee.
16 reviews for RAV Vast G Pygmy
FAQs about RAV Drum
RAV VAST2 is made from thicker steel and it's approx. 15% louder then RAV VAST, but has a bit less overtones. Both models has nice long sustain.
Please note:
- VAST2 is not an improved model of the instrument. It's just a variation with slightly different tone. Some scales works on 1,5mm steel and some works better on 2mm steel.
- It's not technically possible to make VAST scales on VAST2.
- VAST and VAST2 is the same price.
The RAV Vast is about 4.9kg, and the Vast 2 is about 5.9kg. The models are scale related. To hear the examples of the sound of the each model please scroll up this page.
Cover: thin hydrophobic covering, requires periodic wiping.
Weight - 4.9-5.9 kg like handpans.
Size: 51 cm, height :17 cm. Color is dark-green.
Europe (Zone 1) - 58 EUR;
USA, Japan (Zone 2) - 70 EUR;
Taiwan (Zone 3) - 84 EUR;
Australia, Africa, New Zealand (Zone 4) - 97 EUR;
Honduras (Zone 5) - 116 EUR.
1)A Integral + D Celtic Minor
2)A Integral + C Golden Gate
3)E Low Pygmy + B Celtic Minor (or B RUS, B Celtic Double Ding)
4)A RUS + D Major
5)B Celtic Minor (or B RUS, B Celtic Double Ding) + D Major
6)E Low Pygmy + B Celtic Minor + D Major
7)G Pygmy + D Major (not all notes are fit together but it's an interesting combination)
8)G Pygmy + D Celtic Minor
9)G Minor Pentatonic + D Celtic Minor
Helpful information

Caren –
Hey Nadishana,
my RAV has arrived
It’s a marvelous and beautyful. The sound is wonderful. I love it!
With the customs everything went well. Your suggestion saved me a lot of money!
I thank you very much.
Mike –
Hi Nadishana, My Rav has arrived and it is fabulous. The build quality and sound is amazing. I did have to pay a small import tax but not a problem. I now have the celtic and pygmy and hope to afford another some time soon. What would you suggest should be my next Rav as something quite different in sound and tone.
Many thanks Mike
AdminRavvast –
Hi Mike,
Great, have fun with your RAV!
If you’d like to have a contrast in range i would recommend E Low Pygmy, which is sounding very different because of the low range. If you’d like to have a difference scale wise, i’d recommend C Golden Gate or B Onoleo. They are very different in mood to the minor scales you have.
Piergiorgio –
the RAV has arrived.
I’m very happy.
Mickaël –
My Rav arrived 1 week ago. It’s a so beautiful instrument with a so beautiful sound. I’m totally in love. We can see that the manufacturing is of very good quality. Thank you SO MUCH, I would never part with it!
However, I have a question: Is there anything other than the bag to carry it? I’d be more interested in something like a handle made with braided rope directly on it. I’ve seen this type of decoration for strapping before, but nothing specifically for transportation.
Best regards,
Mika –
Awesome G pygmy has already arrived safe and sound.
Thank you, I love this scale!
Matthis –
Hi Nadishana,
I just received my instrument. It’s really beautiful and sounds amazing…Thanks you so much !
Any recomandation about oil / cloth for the upkeep ? (on where I can buy it)
AdminRavvast –
Hi Matthis,
awesome, enjoy your RAV!
Here are some tips:
First and foremost: don’t keep the instrument in the case all the time. Keeping the steel in a case allows moisture to build up inside, and you definitely don’t want that. Also, a basic rule of keeping hands clean while playing it is also important.
And of course, the drum requires care once in a while. Frog lube works best. We suggest applying it to the instrument once or twice a month, front and back. Wipe a small amount over the entire drum, make sure you don’t miss tongues and edges.
Besides frog lube, our customers advise trying vaseline oil or Phoenix handpan oil. You can try that too and see which works out best for you.
But what to do if rust has already hit your RAV? Don’t panic. Just wipe it off with 99,9% alcohol, then apply Frog lube and you’re good to go.
Jakob –
Hey nadishana,
My rav arrived safely and i cant wait to start learning. Thanks for the good communication. I hope your Youtube lesson Videos you wanted to do Will be available soon (i read it somewhere here :p)
Léon –
Dear Nadishana,
Thank you for the notification. I cannot wait to receive my future Rav.
…I took a long time to listen to various scales, different composers and compositions (including your, Daniele Rebaudo’s and some other persons amazing work). At the beginning It was tempting to start my discovery of Rav universe with a scale like B Kurd 10, but I decided to dedicate myself to a more condensed scale such as G Pygmy to focus on not just melodic possibilities but and above all on the incredible acoustic potential of Rav Vast.
That is to say that my desire to dive into and explore the ocean of sounds hidden under the frozen surface of Rav (and of course of handpans) is something that I owe entirely to the discovery of your work: it is by accidentally watching some months ago a YouTube video with you playing that I discovered Rav and Handpan instruments as they truly are: metal creatures with whom any contact, any, even the slightest touch of their rounded curved backs brings sounds into live. And if one can dedicate themselves enough to learn the language of touches and strokes that those creatures speak, the sounds will become music, and the player will become themselves an instrument in music’s hands.
So while I am waiting for my Rav to arrive, I just wanted to thank you for having showed me the existence of that musical reality. I humbly hope that one day I will get too access to it through sincere work, practice and research.
Kind regards,
Oliver –
Dear Nadishana!
The RAV arrived today, it’s perfectly fine and I love the sound just as I thought I would.
Thanks for a smooth transaction.
Be blessed by whatever deity you follow and take care.
Christie Babyak –
I received my RAV today! Wow. It is so amazing. The sound is so soothing. I have been playing it all day.
Miklos –
Hi Nadishana,
today it has arrived. The sound of it is fascinating, even my wife was blown away although she was initially not interested in it at all.
Adolfo –
Hi Nadishana,
my RAV ha arrived, one word…WONDERFUL!!!
Thank you so much.
Best regards and good vibes!
Tamara –
Hi Nadishvana,
the G Pygmy arrived yesterday and I am very happy with it.
The sound is very pleasing und relaxing. Just what i had hoped for.
Greetings and God bless your good work
Christian –
Hi Nadishana,
my Rav has arrived and I am very Happy – it melts together beautifully with my first generation Hang Pygmy J
Thanx a lot for your assistance. Hope to meeting you personally again in the future!
All the best
And blessings for you and your wonderful work!
Christian Schaller –
This was my first purchase of a Rav Vast or any kind of tongue drum and I´m very happy I spent my money on this!
The sound is super meditative and hypnotizing and it´s fun to just sit there for hours and play with it or try some different melodies. I already made some progress in a few days of playing, because it is a very intuitive learning process. The scale is beautiful and perfectly tuned and the quality is excellent. I highly recommend the bag and mallets as well as the rope braid, as they make the Rav complete and also are of high quality.
Shipping time and packaging were superb and I´m looking forward to ordering my next instrument here!
Also, Nadishana, you make the most beautiful Rav and handpan music I heard, all the best to you and thank you so very much!
Kind regards, Christian from Germany
Ronen Divon –
Hi Nadishvana,
I have been looking into getting a handpan for a long while. A friend recommended RAV.
I appreciate your fast response and advice in terms of which model to purchase.
All was handled very smoothly and I am very please with my G Pygmy RAV.
I wholeheartedly recommend you and your website for acquiring the instrument.
Blessings and light,
Ronen, USA